Fall Leaves, Halloween, Snoop Dog and… Manufacturing Month!
When you think of October what usually comes to mind is fall leaves, Halloween costumes, Snoop Dogg’s birthday, and those little…
Arizona’s Role in Preserving Colorado River Water
The Arizona Chamber Foundation released a Policy Brief today outlining Arizona’s role in creating a sustainable drought contingency plan to…
“Medicare for All” Not Fiscally Feasible in Arizona
The Arizona Chamber Foundation released a Policy Brief today examining the fiscal impact of a “Medicare for All” plan in Arizona and found…
KTAR: Study finds free college model would create $2.6 billion in state costs
KTAR News recently reported that a 'free college' model would create an additional $2.6 billion in state costs, an Arizona Chamber…
Economic Review of College Tuition Subsidy Proposals
The Arizona Chamber Foundation released a Policy Review today that examines the economic and public policy implications of providing…
Policy Brief on Invest in Ed’s Impact on Proposition 301
The Arizona Chamber Foundation released a policy brief today that found the “Invest in Ed” (IIE) ballot initiative will have a broad impact…
Expanding Economic Opportunity in Arizona
At the Arizona Chamber Foundation, we are dedicated to expanding economic opportunity in Arizona. We focus on opportunity, because…
We Are Arizona Announces Honorees
We Are Arizona, an event celebrating the accomplishments of Arizona businesses, is proud to announce the 2018 honorees selected for their…
What is a Fintech Sandbox?
Arizona is the first state in the in the nation to pass legislation creating a financial technology, or fintech, sandbox. There is a lot of…
Foundation Hires Development Director
Arizona Chamber, Foundation welcome Laura Ciscomani as New Director of Development. Working directly with Chamber members, Ciscomani will…
Arizona’s New Digital Media Platform
The Arizona Chamber Foundation is proud to launch its newest project, Chamber Business News, a digital media platform that will focus on…
Joint Letter to State Charter Board
Arizona Chamber, Foundation and A for Arizona sign onto a joint letter applauding the Arizona State Board for Charter School's quality…